We promise that you always receive the best price for any services we provide, we will match or beat any competitor's price. If you book a tour or accommodation or other services on respontravel.com and found a cheaper price on another website for same standard, you can claim a refund for the difference up to 2 working days before you enjoy services. The amount will be paid in the same form of payment which you had paid for the services to your platform wallet.

Please kindly note that:

- The comparison needs to have the same time and and duration;

- The comparison offer must have the same cancellation policy and conditions;

- The comparison offer must be available to the general public.

When can you not make a claim?

- If the comparison offer is on a website that doesn’t reveal the service type you’ll be having in or the activity type and itinerary;

- If the comparison offer is part of a loyalty program, rewards program, or member’s discount;

- If the comparison offer is a limited time promotion, promo code, cashback, coupon, or voucher.

How to claim?

- Send an email to travelinrespon@gmail.com at least 24 hours before your booked services start date with the following:

- Your Order Number in the booking confirmation email that we sent you;

- The proof of the claim,i.e. a link to the other travel website where you found the cheaper price;

- Our customer support team will verify your claim and get back to you within 48 hours;

- After we verify your claim, we will refund the difference amount in the some form of payment which you had paid for your booked services.

 Terms & Conditions

- If you book any services with respontravel.com and find the same service or activity for less on another website, we will refund you the difference subject to the terms and conditions below:

-We will only apply to the service or made on respontravel.com as shown on your booking confirmation, including any taxes and fees collected by us from you at the time of booking.

- We does not apply to flight bookings or package bookings. We does not apply to any taxes or fees collected by any third party from you, such as those taxes and fees a property or activity may collect directly from you when you arrive.

- We applies only to prices both advertised and available to the general public.

- We must receive your email requesting the respontrvale.com at least 24 hours before your date of using service

- We must include all of the required supporting information specified on the respontravel.com and be emailed to us.

- We will not apply if the cheaper offer on the other website is obtained via a limited time promotion, promo code, cashback, coupon, voucher or member’s discount, loyalty program or rewards program.

- We will only refund the difference amount in the form of Travel Credits directly to your platform wallet.

We reserve the right to change or withdraw the Best price guarantee at any time.

All requests are subject to verification by respontravel.com. We will not accept screenshots or other purported evidence of a lower price that we cannot independently confirm, nor will we verify any request that we believe, in our sole discretion, is the result of a printing or other error or is made fraudulently or in bad faith.

Respontravel Thank you very much!

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